TERAKE is a job management software.
The full functionality of the software can be used in the web application, but the tools needed for an employee are applicable for the use in the mobile application.


  • Plan work and employees
  • Assign tasks
  • Monitor real-time operation
  • Confirm the work done
  • Create reports (material costs, transportation, refuelling, period comparison, and reports)
  • Add / remove employees


  • view schedule and tasks
  • manage work (enter, edit, start, stop)
  • view employment history
  • monitor plans and their implementation
  • manage the use of machines
Terake workfields


The software is divided into modules:

  • In the work module, you can see real-time information about jobs, approve jobs, view statistics and reports, as well as have a real-time view of the location of active employees, machines or projects on the map.
  • The planning module is for creating schedules and plans, both in calendar and list view.
  • The reports module contains all the information that the company collects during the work (material costs, transport, refueling, comparison of periods, and reports that you can create based on your needs).
  • The functions in the Admin, or Administration module, are as follows: company settings, employee management, integrations, and a database of all the company’s work and work-related information.
  • There is a separate module for the Agriculture sector: Field module with functions for Field Book, Field Admin, Field Import, Crop Rotation, Fields on the Map, and Field Planning.